Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Great God Pan by Donna Jo Napoli

I had a really hard time reading The Great God Pan for a few of reason. First of all, I thought it was about Peter Pan when I picked it up and I was sorely disappointed to discover that it was not. Second, Pan was fully of hormones. He really liked women... of any variety. And he described it in a good amount of detail. It was just a little to sexual for my taste. Lastly, I had a hard time getting into the style of writing. It's written much like a man thinks - in short choppy sentences and paragraphs, most of which there is little to no transition for. It is about the God of Nature, Pan, who's mother cursed him to be half goat, half human for the rest of his life. He can transform into anything in nature, but never whole human or whole goat. He doesn't care much and he lives his life carefree, until one day when he meets a human girl unlike most human girls. She is bold and intelligent, and she is not afraid of him. This girl is so different from most, he begins to fall in love.
Although I will not give away what happens after that, I wouldn't recommend it to most people.

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